If You Were Wondering . . .

 "Ranger Rookery"
watercolor 15 x 22 inches

"For Wharf Rats"
watercolor 15 x 22 inches

If you were wondering about whether I had fallen from the edge of the earth, let this be formal notice that I had not and have no intention to do so.

I have, however, been leading a dream existence:   Travelling, teaching, and plein air painting as if this were my very last chance to ever do it again.

The two paintings above are from a place called "Point Reyes, National Seashore" about an hour north of San Francisco.   One week ago, I gave a plein air painting workshop there.  It was windy, cold and, did I mention windy?   The wind comes zipping in from the cold Pacific and there is little to slow or stop it, except an occasional painter sticking his or her head up to see something.   But, I jest in some respects.   

That was only four days of gleeful painting experience, while helping others get the knack of being outside and having all their equipment staked down, lest it blow away.  (joke).

The week before, I spent an incredible week with three enthusiastic and highly skilled oil painters.   In fact, two of them are some of the world's BEST painters.  And that, Dear Reader, is NOT a joke.   Meet Richard Robinson and John Crump from New Zealand.  (click on their names).   I am still trying diligently to rise to their example of how to paint outdoors and how to step up to such a high level of their skills at the end of a brush.   Each of these gents have an individual style and each is a teacher in his own right.  Richard is an excellent teacher who has DVDS all over the internet.   John teaches painters first hand, has a few DVD's and is a very exciting painter.  Both are quite successful artists and have much to give anyone who finds their teachings on the internet.  ( if you haven't gathered by now, there is a very strong hint in there!! )  After you see their respective web sites, you will want to google each artist.   You'll spend quite some time being absorbed by their mastery!

Scott Hamill, my steadfast painting buddy and good friend, John, Richard and I all spent time painting on the Monterey Peninsula, Point Lobos, Carmel and Yosemite National Park . . . . .all in the same week.   Of course, I came home with many pieces . . .some good and some not so hot.  But, aside from the results, the experience spent with all these "chaps" was unequaled !!   To say I learned a few things would be an enormous understatement.

So, in case you were wondering, I am back . . . . . and painting like a mad man !!!   Life is soooo rich!
