"Pop's Corner"
watercolor 22 x 30 inches
"The Overseer"
Watercolor 21 x 29 inches
I haven't painted at all seriously for quite some time . . . .as you know, I have been busy with all sorts of stuff, consulting, Presidential duties of a large art society, teaching and mowing my lawn (Ha!).
Two years ago, China innaugurated an enormous, globally encompassing watercolor competition. By their own admission, the Chinese felt that their highly esteemed artists had been living in a closed country and had not had much exposure to what was happening in the outside world in the way of watercolor art. So, they opened this world wide competition to ratchet up association of fellow artists from around the globe. Entries come from all over the world and they are some of the most amazing works anyone has ever seen.
Contrary to the western world, where oil painting is revered, watercolor painting in China has been honored as the highest form of painting for centuries. It is a key part of their heritage and, believe me, their art is astoundingly special! We have much to learn from their extraordinary painters.
This year, I committed to enter that competition. Two of my friends entered two years ago, John Salminen and Mark Mehaffey . . . .and each won an all expense paid trip to China to receive their very prestigious awards. I figure that I cannot lazily sit by and watch this happen again without taking a shot at it. So I did. For the last three days, I put everything I knew about painting into this painting, "The Overseer" and really got excited as I was putting brush to paper. Not wanting to submit trite subjects, I tackled this city scene with two figures in a very structured value composition.
We'll see what happens. Mind you, I am not holding my breath, but I do have my fingers crossed to be accepted. I entered another piece which has won praise in other societies here in the USA, "Pop's Corner." That piece is moody and has an underlying meaning to many whose fathers or grandfathers had workshops in their basement or garage. Maybe it will speak, also, to the jurors who are selecting the show in China. Just maybe!