Plein Aire Surpises

"Lonely Beach"
watercolor 15 x 22 inches

A week or so ago, my painting buddy and I went out on the only day we could to paint together.  His day off is Wednesday, so that is our day to find a place to set up our gear and put our brushes to work.  Because he has only that day during the week ( and we both have "Honey Do's" on the weekends) we go even if it isn't the best of weather.

The coast line where I live has much agricultural land running right up to the edge of these bluffs at the edge of the Pacific.   What grows here are crops which generally do well in cool weather, namely brussels sprouts, artichokes, lettuce, celery etc.   And, naturally, the farmland can make some of the beaches rather inaccessible.   We took a chance on this day and drove the van right out to the back part of a brussel sprout field and walked a few paces to the very edge of the cliffs.   There, at the edge was a beach neither of us had witnessed before . . . . .with nary a footprint on the beach!   There were pelicans resting on the sand and flotsam of every kind littering the edges of where the waves had washed just a few hours before.   And not a soul to be seen!  

Muted colors and a gray, chilly day were on hand to challenge our skills and to give us pleasure no matter the outcome on canvas or paper.   We had our warm clothes, lunches, painting gear and plenty of wild life all around us to keep us on our toes for three hours.   The waves were licking up the beach with those unmistakeable hiss and slosh sounds.   The gentle breeze, the music of the beach sounds, the bird calls and sky colors are endlessly relaxing.

And people wonder why we do this!