The Last One . . .for now

watercolor 15 x 22 inches

It is already passed the first week of September . . . .and my task list has grown to huge proportions . . . . . .

Open Studio here at my home / studio begins October 1 & 2. I am just now beginning the preparations . . . they seem insurmountable right now. With over 45 paintings to mat and frame and to set up the house and yard to accommodate hundreds of visitors and over 100 hanging paintings, the chores are beyond my ability to remain positive about.

NWS's (National Watercolor Society) Annual Exhibition opens in October with the Awards Banquet preceding the opening. As president, I must prepare for this grand event and officiate as well.

Oral Surgery looms in the next week, too! And work (business) beckons, also. So, for now, painting must go to the back burner, sadly. Our best weather is this time of year, too, the call to go outdoors to paint en plain air is a siren I can hardly ignore.

Here is the last painting of the rock series . . . .which was all based on observances in Yosemite National Park. As with all the rest of these paintings, a loose style, timed at 90 minutes (reasons explained later), with a somewhat presentable painting was the goal. Mostly, it was just about standing at the easel and soaking in the pleasures of the running paint and the vibrating colors to please my soul.

Hope to see you at open studio. If you would like my address and/or directions, email me. Just click on the "email me" just above the Facebook Fan Box, opposite this text on the right. I'll send you everything you need to get here . . . . .save for tickets from Italy, or India, etc . . . .;p)